Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tides come in (environmentalresearchweb blog) - environmentalresearchweb

Tides come in (environmentalresearchweb blog) - environmentalresearchweb
The use of tidal energy for generating electricity is moving ahead rapidly around the world, and the potential for expansion is significant, with the emphasis being on tidal current turbines, although some tidal barrages are also being developed or planned – for example, various barrage and lagoon scheme are still under consideration for the Severn estuary. A decision on which to go for should emerge later this year.

The global potential is quite large. Trade network Tidal Today’s second annual ‘Tidal Summit’, held in London last November, heard from a speaker from the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System Technology (IWES) who relayed some estimates of tidal energy potentials: China: 50 TWh p.a; Ireland: 10 TWh; UK: 31 TWh; France: 10 TWh; Norway: 3 TWh; US: 115 TWh. The big ones, in terms of capacity, included Canada: >40 GW and South Korea: 1000 GW.

Click on the link above to read the full story.

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